Covid 19 Guidelines

Since the Government started to ease lockdown restrictions in the UK in May, JFC Training College has been undertaking an intensive period of planning and preparation for the resumption of activities, informed by Government guidance. We have been working hard to make sure the site is Covid-secure when full teaching on campus restarts.


The safety, health and wellbeing of our people is our key priority and is at the heart of our planning and decision-making.

At all times our policies and guidance will align with UK Government, Public Health and health and safety requirements and guidelines.

We will communicate, engage with staff and students and work to promote a shared sense of purpose and inclusive decision-making.

We will provide a workplace which is safe, secure and is sensitive to the needs of all members of our community.


Students are encouraged to bring their own refreshments but should not share food, drinks, crockery or utensils.

Due to social distancing requirements, toilet facilities may have reduced capacity. Accessible toilets will remain open across the campus.

Occupancy levels within buildings will be lowered accordingly to ensure compliance with welfare regulations. Each room on campus has been assessed for maximum occupancy.

The availability of desks, treatment benches, seating and study spaces will be reduced to allow for social distancing. Pens and other stationery should not be shared.

Schools and departments will be responsible for managing occupancy levels, which in some areas may include staggering lecture start and break times.

Signs have been put in place around the buildings on campus to indicate social distancing requirements. Floor markers have been installed where queuing is likely, such as reception areas and pay points.

Directional flows and one-way systems have been put into place for corridors, stairs and walkways, and will be one-way only in narrower routes wherever possible. Wider, two-way areas will instruct people to keep left and walk in single file. Accessible routes will take priority wherever possible.

Entrance and exit points will be separated wherever possible

Students must comply with the following:

- Wear a face mask

- Knock on door whilst in the office

- Prop open door whilst in the office

- Exit the same door as arrival

- Close door on departure

- One student in the office at any time


A specific COVID-19 Risk Assessment of teaching activities has been completed by each Head of School.

Hand sanitising stations have been installed and will be regularly replenished at key locations within buildings and facilities. Soap will be available in toilets and regularly replenished.

Enhanced cleaning schedules are in place, with an emphasis on high-touch areas. Dorguards have been installed on doors to reduce the need to touch door handles.

Where a local risk assessment has identified the need to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to undertake practical sessions and clinical activities, this will be provided to you along with training on its use.

Face coverings must be worn (unless exemptions exist) in all indoor spaces. Face coverings are largely intended to protect others, not the wearer, against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of virus that causes coronavirus infection (COVID-19). In order to facilitate the wearing of face coverings all students will be provided with two re-useable fabric face masks when you arrive on campus.

Some students and staff will have health or disability reasons for not wearing a face covering. No student will be asked to seek advice or request a letter from a medical professional about their reason for not wearing a face covering. While it is not compulsory, some students may feel more comfortable showing something that says they do not have to wear a face covering. Students in this category are invited to collect an exemption card and a hidden disabilities lanyard from reception if they wish to do so. They are also welcome to wear other items if they wish such as a badge or even a home-made sign.

While on campus everyone is expected to practice good hygiene by:

• WASHING HANDS ON ARRIVAL for 20 seconds using soap and water, or using hand sanitiser

• WASHING HANDS FREQUENTLY throughout the day, after handling materials and after visiting a different area



Students are recommended to check their temperature before travelling to the campus Temperature screening has been installed through our CCTV at key points of entry onto campus. If someone appears to have a very high temperature, they will be required to undertake an enhanced health questionnaire before they are permitted to enter the campus.

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at home (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or sudden loss of taste or smell) you must not come onto campus and must self-isolate in line with Government guidance. You must access a test at local testing centre or request a test via the government testing scheme or by calling 119.

If you test positive for COVID-19, individuals in close contact with you will be identified.

Circumstances will vary, but the working definition of ‘contact’ is anyone who has been close to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 anytime from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 10 days from onset of symptoms (this is when they are infectious to others).

In line with the NHS Test and Trace definitions of a reportable ‘close contact’ include:

people who spend significant time in the same household as a person who has tested

positive for COVID-19

sexual partners

a person who has had face-to-face contact (within one metre) with someone who has

tested positive for COVID-19, including:

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being coughed on

having a face-to-face conversation within one metre

having skin-to-skin physical contact, or

contact within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact

a person who has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes

a person who has travelled in a small vehicle with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or in a large vehicle or plane near someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

Where you have been in contact with someone through a Perspex (or equivalent) screen, this would not be considered sufficient contact, provided that there has been no other contact such as any of those indicated above.

Contacts of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate at home because they are at risk of developing symptoms themselves in the next 14 days and could spread the virus to others before the symptoms begin.

Individuals who have been in close contact will be facilitated to leave campus and remain at home for a period of seven days, or until a negative test is confirmed, whichever is shorter.

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 whilst on campus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or sudden loss of taste or smell) you must immediately inform your tutor, stop your activity, return home and self-isolate in line with Government guidance.

You should also inform your course director and / or

In addition:

Activity should stop in the area you were working / studying in (e.g. laboratory, practical room). COVID-19, wherever possible, place the person in a place away from others.

If you are unwell and unable to go home immediately, you should contact reception and you will be escorted to a separate room by others who are advised to stay at a distance of at least 2 metres.

Please note that these are interim arrangements and subject to review.

If you are symptomatic or have tested positive for Covid-19 you must inform us by completing a Covid-19 Symptom Reporting Form and sending this to

This information will be seen by a small number of colleagues managing the College’s response to any outbreaks, or potential outbreaks, of Covid19 in our community.

If you are absent from study due to Covid-19 self-isolation or for any other reason you must inform in the usual way in line with our standard absence reporting procedures.


When returning to study students are expected to read and comply with the guidance provided. There is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available to assist with the transition onto site for new students and current students on our website. We are also asking all members of our community to commit to a pledge to be kind, considerate, respectful and supportive to each other during these unprecedented times. You can find the pledge on the last page of this document.

We will be fully open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. All students will be required to enter through a staffed entrance main reception so that appropriate temperature checks and screening can take place as required. Students will also be required to check themselves onto site using a card reader. It is therefore essential that you have your ID card with you at all times for this purpose.

On the first day of returning to JFC, you should take time to re-orientate yourself with the new-look environment, paying particular attention to entry and exit points, direction flows, social distancing signage and designated welfare facilities. If you have any questions relating to the above, please speak with your personal tutor or teaching team for clarification and further guidance.

If you require any specific guidance or have concerns about coronavirus matters, you can contact If you are aware of a serious breach or noncompliance with safety restrictions you can escalate your concerns by reporting your concerns to


We are living in extraordinary and unprecedented times and all of us are adapting to life in these new and changing circumstances. Some of us will be worried about family and friends, struggling to balance study, work, caring and domestic responsibilities, or finding it challenging to adapt to new ways of studying and living. As we return to college, we will be adapting to working within social distancing requirements and new

safety protocols - this will take time to get used to and some of us may understandably feel anxious and worried about these changes.

The College is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our students and there is a wealth of resources and support available to assist you:

If you are feeling concerned, anxious or overwhelmed at this time please contact us via email to book an appointment for a friendly chat

0207 732 9255

JFC Training College,

12-14 Wellington Street,

Woolwich, London, SE18 6PE.

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm, Sat: 9am-5pm


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