All learners are valued and encouraged to achieve to the best of their ability. Learning Support at JFC covers a wide area. The following groups are offered support in their studies:

- Learners with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN)

- Learners whose first language is not English, and who need support in learning English

- Learners with special needs who are not on the SEN register but who need support in some of their lessons, especially with literacy

- Learners with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties which hinder learning

- Learners with physical disabilities

How do we support these learners?

Provision to meet the variety of special needs in the college is made through:

- One-to-One tuition

- Differentiation by the tutor within lessons

- Intensive reading programs

- In-class support, for learners whose first language is not English.

- The opportunity for more able students to take part in extension classes and activities, including provision out of school

- Pastoral Support Officers and Learning Mentors who give learners individual attention to help them improve and overcome any barriers to their learning

- The programs for all learners with additional needs are carefully planned. “Inclusion plans and procedures are excellent, enabling true equality of opportunity for all students".

Useful Links

ETF Learners:

A prevent resource with modules on British values, online safety, extremism and radicalisation, what can you trust

Equality & Diversity

How we can respect each other and our differences at work, and why it’s so important to do so.

Mental Health Awareness

An Introduction to mental health awareness

Health & Safety

An introduction to basic health and safety and best practice in the workplace.

0207 732 9255

JFC Training College,

12-14 Wellington Street,

Woolwich, London, SE18 6PE.

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm, Sat: 9am-5pm


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